As an educator, I am interested in developing project-based undergraduate science courses that incorporate field work, lab work, and/or chronological reading of primary literature. I seek to mimic the scientific process in undergraduate courses - e.g., reading journal articles, scientific writing, and collecting, processing, and presenting data. Furthermore, I strive to use inclusive teaching methods that create an open learning community and facilitate success for students from all backgrounds. I also love making students wrestle with data, both by reading primary literature and learning basics of biologically-relevant coding (primarily R and unix). My courses span by broad interest in biology, from field-based environmental courses to computational biology and bioinformatics.

Aquatic Biology students (Fall 2022) staying warm and collecting water on Oneida Lake! There was some singing soon after the picture was taken...

Ecology students (Fall 2022) wading in Oneida Lake to find bivalves!

Ecology students (Fall 2022) tramping around a Central New York bog studying pitcher plants!

Ecology students counting critters on milkweed plants (Fall 2019) and definitely not getting covered in aphids.